Heart Centered, Nature-Based Preschool in Historic Grant Park

Living Arts Learning & Holistic Childcare for Nourishing the Young Child

Welcome to our magical garden – a child’s place and a home away from home.  We seek to provide an ideal, sensory-rich and meaningful early childhood experience for young children from two years to five years of age.  Our Waldorf-inspired mostly OUTDOOR (half-day) morning program nourishes a child’s senses and helps foster a healthy will.   Through teacher’s warm guidance, compassion and a deep understanding of the young child’s whole development, our principles and living arts curriculum support balance and wholeness in a child’s early years journey.

 We are hiring early for the 2025-2026 school year!  If you have a serious, genuine interest, please follow this link for more information. The Children’s Garden is seeking applicants for a Tuesday-Thursday Teaching Assistant in the mixed-age 3 to 5’s class.